Community League Board.

The Lansdowne Community League is volunteer-led and managed.
Board of Directors
2024-2025 Board of Directors:
Alexandra Carnegie
Rosanna Anderson
Leah Fiorillo / Jeffrey Weigl pastpresident@lansdownecommunityleague.comTreasurer:
Alyssa Lewis
Shannon Foster
Stephanie Davis
membership@lansdownecommunityleague.comCommunications: Website/Social Media/Newsletter:
Kelsey Weigl
newsletter@lansdownecommunityleague.comCommunity Activities/Social Coordinator:
Michelle Lindberg
events@lansdownecommunityleague.comLansdowne Building and Grounds:
Wes Fitzsimmons / Allen Lockwood facilities@lansdownecommunityleague.comHall Rental:
Aaron Sauve and Anne Ramcharan
hall@lansdownecommunityleague.comSoccer Coordinator:
Alyssa Lewis
soccer@lansdownecommunityleague.comCivic Coordinator:
Krista Chalifoux
civics@lansdownecommunityleague.comSouth Campus Neighbourhood Coalition:
Kelsey Armstrong
scnc@lansdownecommunityleague.comSecurity & Neighbourhood Watch:
Tanya Durrant / Nancy Ho
safety@lansdownecommunityleague.comCasino Coordinators:
Shannon Foster / Rosanna Anderson
Volunteer Opportunities:
Interested in becoming more involved in your community and filling a vacant position? Please reach out to our President for more information.
Community Activities/Social Coordinator: Looking for coordinators
Tennis Coordinator: VACANT
Youth Coordinator: VACANT
Seniors Coordinator: VACANT
Community Services: VACANT
Mailing address:
PO Box 29002
Edmonton RPO Pleasantview, AB