Upcoming Development.
A message from the Lansdowne Community League Board:
We understand the concerns surrounding upcoming developments, as it’s an emotional and heated topic for many. However, development is an issue that currently lacks a clear consensus in our neighbourhood. The Community League's priority is to remain an open and welcoming place for everyone — including any potential new neighbours or League members that developments might bring. The City is currently seeking feedback on development, and we have been continuously offering opportunities for residents to have their voices heard.
The best way to drive change is through volume, so write your letters, share your concerns, and send your feedback directly to the City. Remember, our board is a group of volunteer residents, and it is unfair to voice your frustrations at or about us. We are here to share information and facilitate communication, not to represent personal opinions. Please use your voice effectively and engage in a way that ensures your concerns are heard by the right people.
We encourage you to thoroughly go through the information on the developments below and take the time to properly inform yourself. Do your due diligence and make sure your feedback is based on a solid understanding of the facts. Understand that the LCL board is not the outlet for your feedback on development issues.
To make it easier for you to share your input, be sure to check out the City of Edmonton’s new platform, Engaged Edmonton. The site makes it easier than ever to provide feedback on City projects—explore the site today! More info below.
Please note: This webpage not be the most up to date. Visit each development website to ensure you have the most recent information.
The SCNC is compiling an email list for anyone interested in learning more about these topics.
The SCNC encourages residents to use these opportunities to do exactly that: be heard. This Guide will help you magnify your voice to effectively provide feedback with the greatest impact
To make it easier for you to share your input, be sure to check out the City of Edmonton’s new platform, Engaged Edmonton. The site makes it easier than ever to provide feedback on City projects—explore the site today!
Current NASP Concept Plan
December 2024
West 240 Development Update
Key Considerations for Feedback:
Flood Risk: Concerns were raised about the potential increase in flood risk associated with the development.
Ravine Bank Ownership: The unique ownership of the ravine bank was highlighted, as it qualifies as part of the proposed development's green space allocation.
Neighbourhood Boundaries: There was an ongoing discussion about the unclear definition of neighbourhood boundaries.
Current NASP Concept Plan
December 2024
Lansdowne Centre Rezoning
The City of Edmonton has received a rezoning request for Lansdowne Centre. The proposed new zoning (DC2) would permit a mid to high-rise commercial/residential building.
Feedback on the proposed rezoning is currently being sought by the City of Edmonton. Please share your concerns and feedback, or ask any questions you may have about the rezoning, by emailing the City planner, Andrew McLellan, at andrew.mclellan@edmonton.ca
Community Concerns:
Sun/Shade Impact: Some community members have expressed concerns that the high-rise building could result in 4-5 hours of lost sunlight for nearby residents.
Increased Traffic and Parking: There are worries about increased traffic and parking congestion in our neighbourhood.